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5 Ways to Make Target Practice More FUN and Interesting
If you are trying to improve your shooting skills, there are ways to mix it up that might make the whole process more fun and interesting. This is especially true if you get a chance to shoot out in the country on some open land that you, a friend, or family member owns.
Getting outside of the firing range feels like an entirely different experience when you are practicing your shooting skills.
Here are some ideas for cool things to use for target practice. Kids and teenagers especially will get a kick out of learning to shoot with some of these interesting objects that pack quite a punch when blasted with an accurate shot.
Bowling Pins
These are always fun to knock over considering they are used for a sport where the entire goal is to knock over as many as possible. It’s helpful to set them up on a level hobby horse or table. Make a game out of it to challenge another person who is shooting with you to knock over as many as possible.
Water Balloons
It’s so much fun to shoot things that are “reactive.” Water balloons are the perfect target like this, because it’s just so satisfying to watch something explode when you nail it with a bullet. You can secure a bunch of water balloons to the outer edge of a target to get some fun practice in.
Milk Jugs Filled With Water
Another water target that’s exceptionally fun to hit is milk jugs filled with water. Or, if you are really looking for a bigger bang for your buck, hit some soda two liters bottles that are filled with soda for a splashtastic impact. You can usually find two-for-one two liters of soda at your local dollar store. You are going to want to buy quite a few of these.
Exploding fruit? Yes please! That’s a nifty target to hit because the watermelon is reminiscent of the popular 80s comedian, Gallagher. Remember how he used to splatter his front row with pieces of watermelon after hitting those giant melons with a sledgehammer? Hilarious. You’ll get the same kick out of shooting this large melon to smithereens. If you know your aim is pretty good, then you could get away with using a smaller melon, like a cantelope or honeydew for a bigger challenge.
When teaching young children to shoot, hitting a larger target can also be helpful in the learning process. They will get frustrated sometimes when the target it too small for a new shooter to hit, like with bottles or cans. A piñata is a fun target to hit and you can even fill it with candy for an extra happy ending to the shooting lesson. Candy!
Keep in mind that when you are shooting away from a firing range on private property, be extra careful about safety. Make sure you have ample space to shoot your targets safely without the danger of hitting anything that you don’t want to hit.
~ Ready to Fire News

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