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House Democrats Consider High-Capacity Gun Ban
It’s happening again . . . there’s talk at the national level of a ban on magazines that are considered high-capacity.
What constitutes a high-capacity magazine? Sounds like it should be a machine gun, right? Actually, the definition is much less broad than you might expect. In this situation, the proposed ban would limit magazines on new purchases and existing weapons of anything other than 10 rounds of ammunition.
While it’s dubbed the “Keep America Safe Act”, the only thing it’s truly doing is limiting the rights of individuals to protect themselves and lawfully enjoy sport shooting.
Democrats continue to use the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting as the rally cry for this type of legislation, but that narrative is beginning to fall flat. Florida Representative Ted Deutch has paired up with New Jersey’s Senator Bob Menendez to introduce the legislation. The bill is being sold as a way to stop other mass shootings from happening due to the ability of individuals wielding a gun to shoot more than 10 rounds before reloading. It’s unclear how the removal of a few seconds of reload time are helping keep people safe.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) weighed in, calling the ban “arbitrary” with no real basis for selecting 10 rounds as the maximum legal amount to have in your weapon. Research into past shootings shows that it’s unlikely that this type of ban would have had any positive impact on past shootings. Democrats continue to attempt to score political points with their left-wing constituents by creating a ruckus in the popular media about the dangers of magazines that have a higher capacity.
As expected, the majority of Republicans are against a bill that so dramatically limits the Second Amendment rights of Americans in this way. Unfortunately, the bill does have 85 co-sponsors on the Democratic side. There are still bi-partisan discussions between Republicans and Democrats on a way to ban devices known as “bump stocks” — an add-on that was used in the deadly Las Vegas shooting. The bump stock ban is gaining some limited Republican support, but it generally seems to be as a measure to appease Democrats, and allow them to claim a small victory than any true belief that the ban will successfully reduce gun violence.
Many of the myriad of bills that are being introduced are unlikely to get past the House, and most would end in a veto by President Trump if they ever did make it that far. Many Americans own magazines that have a capacity greater than 10 rounds, and even more own bump stocks. Banning either of these items would cause widespread frustration — and likely a number of lawsuits as people seek to protect their rights.
~ Ready to Fire News

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