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Kamala Harris Doubles Down on Confiscation Promise
Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris just made it clear that gun control would be a top priority for her if she wins the election in 2020.
Speaking at a town hall-style event hosted by CNN in New Hampshire, the U.S. Senator from California said she would be willing to go above and beyond the limits of her constitutional authority to take action on gun control.
“Upon being elected I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws. And if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action,” Harris said. “And specifically what I will do is put in place a requirement that for anyone who sells more than five guns a year, they are required to do background checks when they sell those guns. I will require that for any gun dealer that breaks the law the ATF take their license.”
The senator doubled down even further when she responded to a question by University of New Hampshire student Ben Bernier, who asked the candidate what she would do to prevent mass shootings in schools.
“I’m sure there are plenty of students here, while you were in high school, even middle school, that you had to participate in a drill, right, where you were convened and your teachers taught you about how you need to go and run in a closet because there may be a mass shooter roaming the hallways of your school. And in our America that should never have to happen,” Harris said.
Schools, like churches and other public spaces typically marked as “gun free zones”, are common targets for mass shooters. During such incidents, such as the highly publicized shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, the shooters are typically the only ones armed.
As the town hall event continued, Harris went on to call for additional gun control rules that would effectively ban many popular weapons on the market today.
“There are people in Washington, D.C., supposed leaders who have failed to have the courage to reject a false choice, which you’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take people’s guns away,” the senator added. “Supposed leaders in Washington, D.C. who have failed to have the courage to recognize, you want to go hunting, that’s fine, but we need reasonable gun safety laws in this country, starting with universal background checks and the renewal of the assault weapon ban but they have failed to have the courage to act.”
Harris’ comments came shortly after the senator drew the ire of many in the gun community by admitting that she herself owns a firearm for self-defense. The presidential hopeful denies that owning a weapon is in any way hypocritical considering her politics.
Watch Harris defend her position below.
~ Ready to Fire News

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