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NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre: Security Is the Answer to School Shootings
Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association CEO, has spoken for the first time since the high school shooting in Florida that left 17 people dead. In his message, Wayne has supported President Donald Trump’s position that gun control isn’t the solution to the problem.
The NRA chief fiercely defended Second Amendment rights from the stage of the Conservative Political Association conference. He said that the calls to limit guns were completely ridiculous while suggesting that more security measures are what is needed to enhance safety in American schools.
The top NRA executive observed that evil is always among people, and only God can intervene and save the school children if nothing is done to enhance the security of these learning institutions.
He further argued that young and defenseless children are being dropped off at learning institutions that are wide-open without any security in place which makes them a soft target for anyone who wants to commit mass murder. He says that it would be easier for a madman to shoot at a school in America than a bank or jewelry shop.
LaPierre promised that the NRA movement would offer immediate assistance to various schools for intensive security consulting free of charge. He disputed the idea that armed security made Americans less safe. He challenged those who were for this idea to back their allegations with concrete evidence and avoid causing more tension in the country.
The Florida shootings prompted renewed calls for strict legislation to help curb gun violence in the United States. The calls were led mainly by the Stoneman Douglas students.
Although the NRA had been silent for many days since the shooting happened, it came forward and returned to its offensive style as various representatives passionately defended the Second Amendment before a friendly crown in the Conservative Conference.
Wayne also blasted the FBI department for being extremely culpable in the Florida incidence. Last week, the FBI had admitted that it failed to follow up on a valuable tip about the man who is now charged in the shooting. He suggests that the FBI should take full responsibility and avoid blaming the school authority, and family of the students.
He went on to state that he failed to understand how a large organization such as the FBI cannot own up to its own mistakes and fire its rogue leadership. On the other hand, President Trump told local and state school officials that he had already discussed some of his ideas with the NRA to try and stem violence in schools.
Florida Governor Rick Scott has also blamed the FBI for failing to explain why it ignored the tip which could have saved the lives of the 17 individuals that were killed in the incident. In his statement, Scott noted that the family and friends of the victims deserved clear answers and that the FBI was the only body that could provide the answers.
The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas School was only the latest occurrence in a series of deadly shootings at different U.S schools. LaPierre believes that it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun.
Watch LaPierre’s full speech below.
~ Ready to Fire News

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