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Old School Duck Hunting Tips That Still Work
Remember one of the first Nintendo games from the 80s, called Duck Hunt? It came with the iconic video game console when you bought it in 1985. This was many children’s first experience shooting ducks. Well, at the least virtual ones. That game was a blast! Although it didn’t have much in common with real duck hunting, at least it got people excited about this great waterfowl shooting sport.
If you are an experienced duck hunter, you probably have some tried and true tips that work for you each time you go out to shoot. As a beginner, there are some excellent old school duck hunting tips that will help you have better success at the sport of duck hunting when the season comes around.
Depending on which state you are going duck hunting in, that season is right now in many places, or coming up soon in November. Let’s explore some traditional duck hunting tips that will make your next hunt a great one as a savvy “waterfowler.”
Get Different Types of Decoys
Many hunters make the mistake of using just one type of decoy, the mallard, usually. Try to get an array of different types of duck decoys so it will look more realistic and natural. Presely’s Outdoors sells various packages of ducks that aren’t just one type in packs of 6-12. The mixed breed packs are the best to invest in for your duck hunts.
Also, make sure to muddy up the water near your decoys, because that attracts the ducks better than clear water while you are hunting.
Make Sure You’re in Full Camo
Ducks and geese have excellent eyesight. Make sure you are in full camo, so that the ducks doesn’t see you and steer clear. That means face paint, low profile, and head-to-toe gear that blends in with the scenery.
Stay Late in the Morning
You may get out there very early to start hunting, but it might pay off to stay through the later morning hours. Many ducks tend to migrate at that time of day, so you should be able to nab a few more during that time.
Make Sure Your Duck Call is Clean
Having a top-of-the-line duck call is important. You also need to make sure it’s clean and performing properly to be effective at tricking the ducks. Clean it out on a regular basis because dirt, oil, and food particles can get trapped in it. Remove all the pieces and soak the duck call in a bowl of warm water and mild dish soap for 20 minutes. Scrub stubborn particles with a soft toothbrush. Then just rinse well, let dry, and put back together.
Have High Quality Waders
This will just make your hunt in the freezing cold of November much more pleasant. You want high quality waders when you are out in the marsh and pond areas wading into the water. Having wet and cold feet on a hunt is going to distract you from the objective of getting that waterfowl.
Duck hunting is a challenging and rewarding sport. Once you have mastered the basics and improved your skills, the reward of nabbing that perfect mallard, just like in that old school Nintendo Duck Hunt game, is truly a thing of beauty.

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