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PA State Rep Wants to Ban You from Carrying Loaded Guns in Your Car
Pennsylvania State Representative Carolyn Comitta is introducing legislation that will make it illegal to carry a gun in a way guns are meant to be carried in the first place.
Since you were able to read that first sentence, you’re probably intelligent enough to understand that guns don’t work too well without bullets. Firearms are weapons, and weapons are used to defend users from assailants who might also have weapons. Weapons are more effective when they’re deadly.
Of course, this all seems like common sense to you. To PA State Rep. Comitta, however, “common sense” carries a different meaning, as seen during her tear-laden introduction of the bill. Apparently, she believes that simply having a loaded gun in your vehicle might induce you with a bloodthirsty rage.
“Studies show that drivers who have a firearm in their vehicle may be more prone to anger and more likely to engage in aggressive driving than those who did not have a gun,” Comitta said. “I and most gun safety proponents still protect Second Amendment rights and commonsense gun safety measures.”
The bill, known locally as H.B. 2669, would prohibit individuals from carrying loaded firearms in their vehicles. People who are found violating this new law will, if the legislation passes, face a misdemeanor charge.
Comitta’s logic is truly something you need to see to believe. Watch the Pennsylvania State Representative show off her mental gymnastics in the video below.
~ Ready to Fire News

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