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The Biggest Lies About Guns You Hear on the News Today
The liberal media is always looking for ways to parrot the ongoing narrative that guns are inherently evil, that they’re dangerous to our society and that they should be more heavily monitored or even abolished.
While this gives them plenty to chatter about on the news, what it doesn’t do is spread any kind of truth through the media! The trend of “fake news” — which is essentially spreading schoolyard rumors on a much broader scale — has reached unbelievable heights in regards to firearms. The only way to combat these vicious rumors that are being widely spread on a national and even global scale is to identify them for what they are: fake news.
Here are a few of the worst examples in recent media coverage.
50% of Guns Used in Criminal Acts in Canada are from America
To their defense, the CBC has since retracted a story that stated 50% of the guns used in criminal acts in Canada were illegally sourced from America. However, they are still adding a massive caveat via a photo in the story stating that 77% of the handguns seized in Ontario could be traced to the United States, courtesy of the Ottowa Police Service. Tracing firearms is not a stated top goal of the police, as the weapon’s origins may not be considered an important part of an ongoing investigation. If that’s true, why the initial furor over the guns that are coming illegally from America?
Worldwide Gun Confiscation Ordered by the Pope
Loyal Americans could read the above statement and think “Whoa . . . he’s getting my guns when they’re stolen out of my cold, dead grip”! Fortunately, this too is fake news. The online Common Sense Show’s host Dave Hodges stated that the Pope was interested in “total gun confiscation across the planet.” He went on to note that the U.N. would be allowed to keep their weapons, but everyone else would be forced to give them up. This inflammatory comment doesn’t sound like something the Pope would say, does it? Turns out, that’s because no one can find a record of the pontiff making any such statement. Fake news at its best.
USA Today Invents the “Chainsaw Bayonet” AR-15 Attachment
As if the liberal media didn’t think an automatic firearm was scary enough, USA Today actually tweeted a video of a supposedly-modified AR-15 with some upgrades. One of them was a little surprising — a chainsaw bayonet. That’s right, they actually mocked up a drawing of an automatic rifle with a chainsaw somehow attached to the bottom. It’s a concept that is sure to strike fear in the hearts of liberals everywhere, but it’s truly just yet another excuse of fear-mongering in the media. Fortunately, gun advocates took quick hold of the thread on Twitter, posting hilarious pics of an AR-15 with new attachments: everything from a nuclear warhead, miniature AR-15s added like Russian stacking dolls and even the U.S.S. Kittyhawk. Well played.
“Give Teachers Guns” — Attributed to Donald Trump
After a somewhat rambling answer on whether having armed teachers in the schools would have prevented the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, Donald Trump somehow was outed to the public as having point-blank stated that we should give teachers guns with the expectation that this would reduce the frequency of school shootings. After a great deal of furor ramped up by CNN, Trump noted the next morning on Twitter that he was advocating for gun-adept teachers to have firearms — not every teacher — and only because you can’t possibly hire enough security guards to protect every school in the nation from people with bad intentions. The negativity that this paraphrased statement caused was a weeks-long conversation in the left-wing media, over something that President Trump never even said.
Each one of these stories shares a common thread: the liberal media attempting to whip the American public into a furor over gun control. The one thing they do not have in common is any shred of truth or evidence.
~ Ready to Fire News
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