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The Golden State Killer Case Shows Why Gun Ownership Is So Important
He terrorized California residents for more than a decade. The sadistic rapist and serial killer would break into the homes of his victims. Then, he would tie up anyone present. The monster would ramshackle the house, taking valuables and finally raping any females at home. His victims ranged in age from 12 to 41 years old. If the husband was at home at the time, the killer would tie him up too. He would then place cups or plates on the husband’s head and tell him that the penalty for moving was death.
The perpetrator spent time conducting reconnaissance on his victims before the crimes. He would learn the layout of the house. Then, he would stalk the victims to find out their habits and routines. Finally, the serial killer would break into the home, usually coming in through a window or door. He came well-prepared, often wearing a “tool belt” containing items that he needed to carry out his crimes.
If the victims lived, then the man would call them on the phone and taunt them even years later, often threatening to kill them. Although he had stopped killing by 1986, residents in the towns that he had once prowled remained on edge.
Fortunately, the man that committed these depraved crimes has finally been caught. Known as the “Golden State Killer” — or the “Original Night Stalker” — Joseph James DeAngelo, who is now 72 years old, was arrested in California and charged with murder. Authorities say that he murdered at least 12 people and raped more than 50 women in a crime spree that lasted more than a decade. DeAngelo also broke into countless homes in California, as well.
For more than 30 years, DeAngelo lived and worked close to the neighborhoods that he had once terrorized. He worked a regular job and raised his family in a one-story house located in a comfortable suburb. Neighbors and others who knew the killer were surprised to learn that he could be capable of such depravity. He fit in well with other residents of the quiet suburb.
For more than 40 years, DeAngelo eluded authorities. No one suspected him. According to detectives, his name never once came up in the investigation until recently. The detectives on the case used an open-source DNA database to find relatives of DeAngelo’s using his DNA. They then traced him down and began researching his background to determine if he could be the infamous serial killer. They finally confirmed their suspensions by stealthily obtaining a DNA sample from DeAngelo.
This case just goes to show that you never know who might be watching your home. It also shows that you really don’t know your neighbors. And, it illustrates why gun ownership is so important. U.S. citizens should have the right to legally purchase and own firearms to protect themselves from monsters like DeAngelo.
Recently, a North Carolina man, Owen Turman, was awoken by the sound of his dog barking. He went downstairs and came face-to-face with a burglar in his sunroom. Luckily, the homeowner had a .22-caliber bolt-action rifle. He then asked the man what he was doing and told him to lay on the ground away from the door. The burglar did as he was told thanks to the threat of the .22 rifle. Turman then called the police. He held the burglar at bay until the police came.
Turman’s fiancé and two daughters were home at the time. Thankfully, no one was injured thanks to the fact that Turman was armed. In fact, the homeowner’s infant and 6-year old daughters slept peacefully through the whole thing.
Turman told reporters that his main concern throughout the entire incident was protecting his family. The law-abiding gun owner did just that — with the help of his rifle. No American should be deprived of this right.
~ Ready to Fire News

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