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Traditional Reasons to Own a Gun That are Still Relevant
The United States has a long and strong history of gun ownership. Guns were so important to the early settlers they even wrote a Constitutional amendment to protect the rights of the individual to own a suitable weapon.
The idea of being able to conduct a government overthrow or protect the country as individuals against foreign invaders may not make much sense to some today, however, there are plenty of reasons why every person in the country still has the right and responsibility to own a gun.
Personal Responsibility
An individual’s responsibility for their own defense and protection of those around him is absolutely in line with the original intent of the Constitution. In a perfect world, police would be able to maintain control over criminal activity, but the reality is that police officers are only human and can’t be everywhere at once. It only takes a few seconds of waiting for a police response for a bad situation to turn deadly, and that’s when a gun is needed immediately, not in a few minutes when the police respond. Such a situation can arise in the home or while out around town conducting regular shopping chores or visiting with friends.
Police Duties
Although police can’t be everywhere immediately, they do respond to reports of criminal activity, whether the perpetrators are armed and violent or not. Because of the high risk involved with their job, they have a definitive need to carry weapons. Typically, their gear includes non-lethal weapons along with a trusted and proven 9mm pistol on their person along with a longarm in their car. Obviously, certain undercover officers or administration officers may not be able to carry a billy club, flashlight, pepper spray, and Tazer along with their service weapon, so they may have less resources to use in a crisis. Although the police are trusted in their ability to responsibly own weapons, they aren’t a protected class with extra rights. If police carry weapons, the same right extends to civilians. It simply does not determine a fair and equal society to allow some people to own guns but deny others the same right.
Hunting and Sport
A final reason why responsible people would want to own guns is for hunting and sport. In parts of the country, hunting is a means of providing food for the whole family. With other people, target shooting can be a part of teaching younger people responsibility while preparing them for their need to hunt, or providing an advanced pre-training for youth who plan to join the military, or can be a responsible sport as its own ends. Not everybody can play football, but shooting can be a healthy means of getting a bit of exercise and determining a means of building pride and self reliance as performance improves with practice and training over time.
~ Ready to Fire News

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