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What Liberals Really Want with Gun Control
Most people are unaware that there are strict gun laws in states across the nation where gun violence is at nearly epidemic proportions – at least in some cities within these states.
Cities that instantly come to mind include Baltimore, Chicago, and Stockton, CA. Each of these states are listed as having the toughest gun laws in the country, and yet gun violence continues to be a problem in these cities.
How is that possible?
It’s a perfectly valid question. The simple answer is this, laws don’t matter very much without proper enforcement. Look at the immigration laws throughout the U.S. The idea of sanctuary cities shouldn’t even be a blip on the radar.
But, when you have cities that boldly proclaim you can live here, and break the law, without consequences (surprise, surprise Chicago is one of those cities), you can’t really expect people to follow the other laws. So, the violence continues.
Current estimates are that there are more than 11 million people living in the United States illegally. If it were an army, it would be considered an invasion force.
More to the point, it goes to show how ineffective laws are at getting people to do the right thing.
The same holds true when it comes to the war on drugs. That’s one drug that has been going on for decades and it is one that despite billions of dollars spent, we, as a nation, are losing.
The question remains, what do gun control advocates really hope to accomplish with stricter gun laws?
It’s a head scratcher really, at least for the people on the street.
True, it’s heart rending to see our children hurt by some person with evil intentions. Perhaps if we stopped focusing on the people perpetrating these crimes – giving them their places in infamy, then we would see fewer people eager to die anonymously in situations like these.
The media is as a far more likely culprit in the instances than the guns. People determined to harm others can just as easily inflict mass casualties with knives, vehicles, bombs, and fire. Guns are a convenient demon, but not as easily accessible as the media would have you believe – especially in states where they are being used prolifically for murder, robberies, destruction of property, and assaults.
New gun laws will do little to solve the problem of gun violence. Law abiding gun owners who register their weapons, take classes to properly care for their weapons, and go through the process of getting permits to carry their guns open or concealed aren’t the ones mowing down children on the streets or in schools.
Since the data showing that gun violence is highest in cities with the most gun control on the books, we can only assume that the end-goal is the complete repeal of the Second Amendment. There is no other explanation: gun control advocates don’t have a single success story to point to, other than perhaps in Europe where terrorists have discovered that moving vehicles in crowded areas work just as well as any semi-automatic does.
Until we learn, as a nation to change the hearts of the people who are committing these atrocities there is little additional laws will accomplish other than to remove guns from the hands of people who would use them to defend themselves and others.
Perhaps that is the ultimate goal in the debate over gun control.
~ Ready to Fire News

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