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You Won’t Believe the Cost of These Rare and Historic Guns
If you’re like most gun enthusiasts, you probably have at least one older weapon in your armory that was passed down several generations. You may often wonder how much those guns are worth now. For the most part, guns will hold their value but don’t necessarily become vintage and extremely expensive as they are not incredibly rare.
The same is not true of these amazing guns, however! These weapons are some of the rarest, most historic (and expensive!) guns in the world.
Kaiser Wilhelm II’s Pistol
There is a story that a British lieutenant general named Archibald Hunter stepped in to save Kaiser Wilhelm II when his horses were spooked in 1902 Scotland. The fearless military man took his life into his own hands by leaping onto the back of the horses and seizing control of the runaway equines. In recognition of his bravery, the Kaiser gifted Hunter with a pistol — a gun which recently sold at auction for more than 30,000 British pounds. It’s unlikely that the pistol itself is interesting enough to command that type of money, but the history that supports the weapon is what makes it so valuable and rare.
Wyatt Earp’s Revolver
One of the stories that truly made the American West famous throughout the world is that of Wyatt Earp, so it stands to reason that his firearm would be sold for a pretty penny. It might surprise you to learn that it sold for nearly a quarter of a million dollars during an event at the famed auction house, Christie’s. Rumor has it that the handgun that was actually used at the OK Corral shootout that gave Wyatt Earp his place in American history.
Adolf Hitler’s Golden Walther
From the Wild West to early-era Germany, guns have had a place in our global history since they were invented. This golden gun was owned by Hitler himself and was received as a gift from Carl Walther on the event of Hitler’s 50th birthday. The ivory handle has an intricate gold inlay that has the initials “AH”, and the gun itself includes extremely fine detailing. It’s no surprise that this gun sold at auction back in 1987 for more than $110,000.
George Washington’s Saddle Pistols
Just in case you think that the expensive payouts on the previous weapons were amazing, George Washington’s saddle pistols raised a cool $1,986,000 when sold at a Christie’s Americana auction in 2002. These dueling weapons were presented by the Marquis de Lafayette, a French ally during the Revolutionary war. The fine detailing and exceptional craftsmanship are part of what makes these pistols special. The story, and how the pistols were passed down to President Andrew Jackson before being returned to Washington’s descendants are likely responsible for the exorbitantly high selling price, however.
Each of these weapons is unique in some way: but the stories that are tied to the weapons continue to live on down through the ages.
~ Ready to Fire News

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