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Florida Lawmakers Vote to Allow Teachers to Carry
There has been intense controversy surrounding the recent school shooting that took place in Parkland, Florida. Both sides have been offering up solutions with some gaining more traction than others.
One of the refrains that the left-wing media has been championing has been to restrict the gun rights of law-abiding citizens. Somehow, they think that by removing guns from the hands of those who obtain them legally, the number of school shootings will decrease.
It is good to see that the state of Florida disagrees with this nonsense, and has recently taken steps to increase the safety of our children during the school day. The state government recently passed a bill that will place guns in the hands of teachers so that they may come to the defense of their students if they are threatened again.
Let’s take a look at some of the things in the bill.
Law Enforcement Training
In the bill, teachers are allowed to volunteer to attend training classes with law enforcement professionals.
One of the concerns regarding teachers carrying guns has been that teachers are not adequately trained to use firearms safely and effectively. Like many citizens, this bill will allow teachers to learn the proper safety measures when loading and firing a weapon to ensure that children aren’t hurt in the process. It is also ensure that teachers are comfortable aiming a weapon should the necessity arise.
There are exceptions in place in the bill. For example, teachers who used to be law enforcement professionals themselves would not have to attend these training classes. The bill will include coaches as well. Most people have heard the story of the heroic coach who used his body to shield his students from the hail of bullets. Next time, these individuals will have the weapons to fire back.
Addressing Mistakes
Another provision of the bill is that a task force will be created to explore how and why clues regarding this school shooting were missed.
There are systems in place to catch mentally ill individuals who purchase firearms and plan to commit a mass shooting. There were also numerous tips filed with the FBI regarding the shooter. Unfortunately, all of this fell through the cracks and the events of Parkland, Florida took place. This bill will form a committee that will analyze the circumstances of the shooting and try to ensure that none of this is ever repeated.
Hopefully, this bill is the first step in making our schools a safer place. By adequately training and arming teachers, they can respond more quickly to an active shooter than law enforcement is able to. While in an ideal world no child would ever come under fire, it is better to be over-prepared than to be victimized at the hands of mentally ill individuals in the future.
While the Democratic party and the left-wing media will undoubtedly motion to restrict the rights of gun owners, it is important for everyone to stand up for their Second Amendment rights by contacting their lawmakers and ensuring that their voices are heard at the polls.
~ Ready to Fire News

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