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No, Pillows CAN’T Be Used As Silencers…
It’s something you’ve probably seen in so many spy movies that even some avid gun owners might believe it would work…
Placing a pillow over a pistol to conceal the sound is one of the oldest spy movie tropes — almost as classic as the insanely expensive cars or gorgeous supermodels that seem to just hang onto everything the protagonist does.
Well, we can’t do much to disprove those myths, but we can see what folding a pillow over a loaded pistol actually does.
The men at Demolition Ranch on YouTube are at it again, tackling two comment-suggested topics at once: the first one being whether or not pillows could be used as armor, and the second being whether or not pillows can actually act as suppressors as seen in Hollywood movies.
Now, the answer to that first question should be pretty obvious — pillows don’t work very well against any weapon, especially firearms. The answer to the second question, however, is a lot more complicated.
Watch the video below to see a Hollywood myth debunked, and catch some really cool-looking firearms in action at the same time.
~ Ready to Fire News

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