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NRA Takes Down San Francisco Liberals
It’s no secret that Democrats want no part of commonsense gun regulations. They want to take away every American’s Second Amendment right to bear arms by any and all means necessary. There are days when only the National Rifle Association (NRA) stands between these liberal extremists and everyday people being able to defend themselves. In a recent dustup over gun rights, the strong leadership of the NRA took San Francisco liberals down.
Following the tragic spree shooting that killed 22 people in an El Paso, Texas, Walmart, radical Democrats attempted to leverage America’s heartfelt emotions and weaponize the good people’s deaths. Rather than hold vigils, send prayer or aid, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors targeted the NRA by labeling the 5.5 million-member firearm rights group a domestic terrorist organization. Unlike much of the empty left-wing rhetoric we hear from the fake news media, this band of Democrats planned to put that illegal designation to work. The group openly conspired to blacklist any and all businesses in the San Francisco Bay area with ties to the NRA by issuing a three-page resolution.
“The National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization whose advocacy is a direct cause of arming individuals who would and have committed acts of terrorism,” the local government board’s statement reads.
The resolution reportedly required government officials to “assess the financial and contractual relationships with our vendors and contractors have with (the NRA),” and “take every reasonable step to limit those entities who do business with the City and County of San Francisco.”
The attempt to effectively blacklist businesses owned and operated by gun owners required the mayor’s signature to take effect. Mayor London Breed followed suit by issuing statements that she would whole-heartedly deem millions of Americans as terrorists.
“We need to hold organizations like the NRA accountable for their obstruction to real reforms to make our communities safer,” Mayor Breed reportedly said.
But as it has been demonstrated time and time again, California liberals lack the temerity to back-up their words. The quality of life in San Francisco continues to decline. A homeless crisis plagues the area, and the so-called caring residents put boulders on sidewalks to prevent people without a place to live from gathering in their neighborhoods. It’s not difficult to see the obvious false concern over victims of a deranged killer in Texas and the callous treatment of San Francisco’s own homeless population.
Be that as it may, unless Antifa liberals wear masks and hurl rocks at police from a safe distance, the words “stand your ground” are not in their vocabulary. The NRA leadership swiftly and decisively proved that fact.
In under two weeks, the NRA brought the rogue element in San Francisco to heel by filing a civil lawsuit citing its blatant violation of First Amendment free speech.
“The Resolution does not try to hide its animus towards the NRA’s political speech, nor its animating purpose: to remove the NRA from the gun control debate,” the lawsuit filed in the District Court for the Northern District of California reportedly stated.
NRA leadership also answered the challenge by issuing a statement that the gun-rights organization never runs from a fight.
“Through these actions and our public advocacy, we hope the message is now clear,” NRA CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre reportedly said. “The NRA will always fight to protect our members and the constitutional freedoms in which they believe.”
Based on the bravado of San Francisco officials’ resolution and words, one would expect a ferocious and protracted legal battle. Such was not the case. In fact, bold Mayor Breed and city attorney Dennis J. Herrera immediately ran up the white flag of surrender by issuing a prompt reversal, stating that no “department will take steps to restrict any contractor from doing business with the NRA or to restrict city contracting opportunities for any business that has any relationship with the NRA.”
The NRA’s victory would have been hailed as decisive if the anti-Constitution Democrats had at least put up a fight. That aside, the gun-rights group’s takedown demonstrates that pro-American organizations stand their ground.
“The memo serves as a clear concession and a well-deserved win for the First and Second Amendments of the United States Constitution,” NRA legal counsel William A. Brewer III said of the victory. “It is unfortunate that in today’s polarized times, some elected officials would rather silence opposing arguments than engage in good-faith debate. The NRA — America’s oldest civil rights organization — won’t stand for that.”

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