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Time To Go Squirrel Hunting: Tips And Tricks To Nab Those Little Buggers
Summer hunting season is here. Most of the game available to shoot during the summer is kind of limited, but one animal that you can still shoot in large numbers is the squirrel.
Squirrels are fun to hunt, and they provide an easy target because there are so many of them around. In Kentucky, some people consider the brains of the squirrel to be a delicacy. Dinner, anyone? Some say that squirrel meat takes a bit like a rabbit. National Geographic says that squirrel is actually a very “environmentally responsible meal.”
Okay, maybe you don’t want to actually eat any of the game that you bag on this hunt, but nabbing those little buggers is still a fun hunting excursion. Here are some tips and tricks for your next squirrel hunt.
Hunt at the Right Time
Squirrels out in the woods are mostly active during dusk and dawn. So, you either want to start your hunt very early, just as the sun is coming up, or you want to wait until later in the day at dusk. That’s just a couple of hours before sunset. Plus, the temperature are more bearable either very early in the day or later. This will make it a more comfortable hunt for you and your group.
Be as Quiet as Possible
It’s very easy to frighten squirrels away. Squirrels out in the woods aren’t like the ones you see in town. Those squirrels are used to people, and don’t mind being around them. This is mainly because people tend to feed them. Out in the woods, the squirrels are more wary of people stomping around their territory, so if you make too much noise you might not see any of the little guys at all.
Be as quiet as possible when you are making your way through the wild. You should position yourself near a number of nut-bearing trees. That’s obviously where you are going to run into the largest number of these little game animals.
Wear Some Lightweight Camo
The temperatures are hot during the summer, so you want to invest in some lightweight camo to take you through squirrel hunting season. The camo is important because squirrels actually have very good eyesight. Attire will help you to blend in with the scenery around you, and trick the squirrels in the process.
Skip the Squirrel Call
These calls just don’t work. There is no way that a squirrel is going to come right to you. Your eyes and ears are the best way to locate a squirrel. You should be able to hear them foraging for acorn and scampering around if you are quiet enough.
With these tips and tricks you should become an expert squirrel hunter after a few trips out into the woods. Above all — be patient and keep your eyes on the bushy tailed prize!

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