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What You Probably Don’t Know About Buying Guns Online
You can buy anything online. From socks to groceries, collectibles and electronics, Amazon has made that a true reality!
Did you also know that it’s perfectly safe to buy firearms online? You may not be able to buy them from a site like Amazon, but there are many reputable places to buy your hunting rifles, handguns, and other tactical gear online.
Here’s the catch though. The seller absolutely cannot send your new firearm right to your doorstep. That’s illegal. It must be sent to a local dealer with a Federal Firearm License (FFL). Then, you can pick it up at your convenience. Here are the steps that you need to take if you want to purchase your firearm online. Trust us, it’s not as complicated as you might think.
Contact Your Local Firearm Shop
Call your local firearm shop that has the proper FFL, and let them know you would like to purchase online and have the gun shipped to their store. Some pawn shops and firearm collectors may also have one of these licenses, so it helps to ask around if you’re not sure where to go. Most big guns shops are used to handling these transactions, so they will usually be happy to help you out with this task.
Ask About Their Fees Upfront
Most shops will charge a small fee for this handling and pickup. It’s usually around $25-$100, and they might base it on the value of the firearm you are buying. Definitely find out about this fee upfront so that you aren’t surprised when you show up to pickup your gun.
Give Them the Information About Where You are Buying the Gun
The gun shop has to send your retailer proof of their license, so make sure you give them the mailing address, email, and fax number so they can send it right over. There are also big box stores like Cabela’s Gun Library or Bass Pro Shops where you can purchase a gun from their inventory online, and have it shipped right to one of their stores. That way, you’ll be able to skip the whole dealer process anyway.
Details About the Background Check
The gun store will perform the appropriate background check that you’ll need before you’re able to pick up the gun you bought. It’s basically the same process if you were going to buy a firearm right in their store. Some people incorrectly think that you don’t need a background check if you purchase online, but it’s not true. This is just as regulated as buying directly in a store.
A Common Sense Note
This might seem like common sense, but people disregard this warning sometimes. Don’t buy guns from friends or family and have them shipped to you. It’s illegal. The only way you can have a gun shipped to you is through a person or shop who has the correct FFL. If for some reason that package was intercepted during shipping, you’d be charged with a felony. It’s not worth the risk.

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