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Cory Booker On Tour to “Bring a Fight” to the NRA
Democratic presidential candidate and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker has launched a tour to “bring a fight” to the National Rifle Association.
The two-week tour launched earlier in April is part of the senator’s attempt to stump for gun control in what could only be part of a desperate bid to stay relevant in a crowded field of Democratic rivals. At present, the New Jersey lawmaker trails fairly far behind other Democratic presidential hopefuls, namely Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Nevertheless, Booker seems convinced that his targeting of the NRA will be overwhelmingly successful. However, it’s unclear what impact the senator wants to make.
“We won’t wait for more thoughts and prayers for communities that have been shattered by gun violence from Pittsburgh to Parkland to Charleston,” Booker told local media in Newark. “We will pass universal background checks, we will ban assault weapons and close loopholes that allow people who never should have a gun to get one.”
The New Jersey lawmaker doubled down on the idea that the NRA’s defeat was imminent.
“And folks, we will bring a fight to the NRA like they have never, ever seen before — and we will win,” he concluded.
While once seen as a moderate on other social issues, the New Jersey Democrat has been fairly consistent in his push to limit the Second Amendment.
“Congress had the chance to get this right in the wake of Newtown. If elected to the Senate, I will start work on common sense gun reform on day one,” Booker’s campaign website read during his Senate run in 2014.
The two week tour is part of a broader effort by Booker to promote his own agenda, which also includes pushing for environmental reforms as well as criminal justice reform. The senator seems keenly aware that he has an uphill battle if he is serious about getting his party’s nomination in 2020.
“We’re not building this campaign to win a poll in April of 2019. We’re trying to win the election in February of 2020, in March of 2020, in April of 2020. This is a long race where there’s going to be a lot of ups and downs,” Booker campaign manager Addisu Demissie told Fox News.
It’s unclear how targeting the NRA and gun rights is part of a plan to win back the votes the Democratic Party lost in 2016. The so-called “fly-over states” are fairly bullish on gun rights, and wouldn’t take too kindly to a presidential candidate that wants to strip them away. If anything, this is a primary campaign move designed to appeal to the Democratic Party’s progressive base. It isn’t going to work, and Booker isn’t going to win the nomination or the election.
~ Ready to Fire News

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