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HYPOCRITE: Kamala Harris Owns a Gun for “Personal Safety”
California Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has drawn the ire of the gun community once again by counting herself as a part of it.
In a recent interview with the Associated Press, the California lawmaker admitted to owning a gun for “personal safety.” Despite being a vocal critic of the policies that allow her to own a gun in the first place, the senator says that her gun ownership is perfectly in line with her political views.
“I own a gun for probably the reason that a lot of people do: for personal safety,” she said.
Yes, senator, this is the reason why most gun owners have weapons. It would be pretty bad if anyone took that away from you, wouldn’t it?
When pressed on the issue, Harris maintains that she doesn’t fall in line with the more radical members of the Democratic Party on the Second Amendment. In the wake of a slew of mass shootings in 2018, many Democrats have called for a total and complete ban on semi-automatic weapons — which would presumably include whatever weapon Kamala Harris owns.
Semi-automatic weapons include every firearm that fires one bullet per trigger pull. Hand-held weapons like glocks fall into this category, as do AR-15-style rifles.
Harris says Americans are “being offered a false choice, which suggests you’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away.”
The Democratic presidential candidate, who hopes to challenge President Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020, has made gun control one of the central tenets of her campaign. She has called for universal background checks for all firearm purchases, and vehemently opposes allowing teachers to arm themselves in schools — which are a common target for mass shooters.
“Arming teachers with guns would make our schools less safe. Instead, we should be arming them with fair wages, school supplies, and the resources they need to educate the next generation,” she tweeted in January.
The senator would do well to reflect on why she feels the need to own a gun at all, and ask herself why she would make that harder for people who aren’t as fortunate has her.
~ Ready to Fire News

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