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How to Track Changes to Gun Laws in your State

Quick — was the weapon used in the Margery Stoneman Douglas South Florida school shooting an AR-15?

Are you sure?

Actually, it was an AR-15 “style” rifle. Did his weapon jam? Was Nikolas Cruz turned away when he attempted to purchase and AR-15?

And what about the role of the FBI, Broward police and school officials in repeatedly dropping the ball repeatedly they were alerted to Cruz’s unstable rants and threats.

Chances are what you’ve heard most about this horrible (and avoidable) tragedy is that the NRA is evil, the Second Amendment is antiquated and gun owners want to kill people.

Making the leap from the failure of incompetent authorities to the vilification of innocent law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association is baffling. But, with Everytown for gun safety – (formerly Mayors against illegal guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America -financed by rabidly anti-gun Michael Bloomberg) dishonestly proclaiming that so far there have been 18 school shootings in 2018, it would be an understatement to say gun control is a trigger topic.

That claim by Everytown about 18 school shootings? They include such events as the January 3 suicide of a 31-year-old man because he shot himself in the parking lot of a school that had been closed for seven months, and the January 20 firing of several rounds in a university parking lot after a football game in which no one was struck by gunfire.

This deliberately misleading information was tweeted by Senator Bernie Sanders, many major news reporting agencies, Cher and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. You probably never saw any retraction or corrections though. The Washington Post challenged their deceptive practices, but you probably didn’t see that either.

So, how does a supporter of the Constitution and Second Amendment rights get legitimate information about impending gun law changes or legislation that you need to know about before the 2018 elections are upon us?

One bona fide way is the NRA-ILA. Yes, the National Rifle Association is a lobby. But the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) carries up to the minute stories and legislative information you need, and it is presented in a nonbiased straightforward manner. Go to the NRA-ILA website, tap menu and choose from areas such as Get Facts, Top Stories, Legal and legislation information by state, gun laws by state and trending stories. The Armed Citizen selection gives you true instances, by location in which legally armed private citizens foiled crime and prevented injury.

Other sites include the following:

This site gives you state-specific background check procedures as well as an avenue to further explore the laws in your state. This website will provide ‘trendwatch’ about current state gun control legislation but be mindful of the fact that it is strongly pro gun control.

Your state website:

i.e.: (Iowa+ legislation+ gun laws) or (Nebraska+ legislation+ gun control or firearms). Be careful that you have actually accessed your own state website, and NOT a lobbying website — with the latter you will be spoon-fed their interpretation of state legislation, not the actual law.

State Representative and State Senator Websites:

Identify your representatives in the House and Senate in the state in which you reside. Find their websites, contact them and express your interest in any aspect of the gun debate that concerns you. Sign up for their weekly, monthly or quarterly newsletters and become vocal about your Second Amendment concerns. There is no quicker way to be stripped of your rights than being unaware of what is transpiring within the walls of your state capitol.

Those who seek to devalue you as a law-abiding citizen are quietly hard at work to strip you of your Constitutional rights. Become informed, remain vigilant and have a voice — the welfare and freedom of future generations of Americans are on the line.

~ Ready to Fire News

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