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Love Guns? Don’t Move to These States!
There are still several states left in the U.S. where you can go and find some leniency in terms of firearm purchasing, ownership and transfer of ownership, but they are becoming few and far between.
The liberal left is always looking for ways to legislate away our Second Amendment rights, and they’ve succeeded in many states throughout the country. These are some of the worst places to live if you are a devoted firearm enthusiast, as your rights will be seriously curtailed.
Yes, it’s obvious that California is the liberal hotbed of the country, where all sales, private transactions and transfers all have to be transacted through a licensed firearms dealer. The state constitution has been hacked to the point where individuals are not even explicitly provided with the rights to keep and bear arms — an individual right that should be guaranteed to residents of all the states. California continued to expand its gun-averse policies in 2018 and beyond, funneling money to domestic violence relief by adding taxes to gun and even ammo purchases.
The Northeast (New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts & Connecticut)
Balancing out the middle of the country where gun laws tend to be slightly less onerous, the states in the northeast are nearly as bad as California when it comes to restricting the rights of gun owners. New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut all require permits to carry concealed weapons, and similarly restrict purchase rights. Massachusetts has perhaps the most confusing legislation, where there are a variety of different licenses or cards required based on the type of firearm purchase that you are making. New Jersey recently tightened its restrictions against long guns, made the state’s ban on high-capacity magazines more stringent and even brought an extreme risk protection order law to fruition.
Hawaii looks like paradise — but apparently not to gun owners! This state has enacted some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation, requiring individuals to purchase a permit from the chief of policy in their area of residence. State licenses for sellers must be renewed annually, and there are bans aplenty on: large capacity magazines, bump stocks, unsafe handguns, and tight restrictions on open carrying of handguns and long guns.
While these are some of the worst states in the country, if you’re looking for a great location to settle you might want to consider Montana, Arizona, Alaska or Idaho. Their gun restrictions are relatively limited, mostly to the federal regulations that can’t be avoided within the state. In Alaska, there are no limits to the number of firearms you can purchase at once, and no waiting periods — making it an extremely friendly state for gun owners to make their home. In Arizona, you aren’t even required to have a concealed carry permit!
~ Ready to Fire News

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